Confessions of a Griever

$21.95 USD

This book will help you realize that grief is grief--whatever it is and however you experience it. Everyone experiences it differently and everyone feels crazy while living through it. You're NOT crazy and your feelings ARE normal. You just need to embrace the ride and 'Remember. You're not alone.' Come on in, get comfy - let's sit in the suck together.

Tip: Personalizing on a mobile device is best with a landscape orientation.
Mobile Landscape Tip

Grief sucks, but you don't have to. Part memoir, part self-help, part pick-a-path; this cheeky and honest book takes a good, hard look at society's view of grief and flips it the bird. Just like life after loss, YOU decide how to move forward . The choice is yourself you've experienced a traumatic loss (of any kind) and you want to use your experiences to make yourself better (and less bitter), then the sugar-coated platitudes everyone gives you just won't cut it.

Confessions of a Griever: Turning a Hot Mess into an Haute Message (Laughable Lessons for When Life Just Sucks)
by Crystal Webster (Author)

5.5" x .62" x 8.5"
Paperback: 274 pgs